About this blog

Knowing that Social Media is still very fresh in Lebanon and not really being used and explored fully or efficiently, I suddenly found myself reading more and more about this seriously interesting yet huge subject, and wanting to share as much as I can. Consequently, I looked at my blogs and noticed that the content that I want to write simply doesn’t fit in any of these blogs. Thus… Tadaaa a new blog.

This blog will include writing or sharing articles about Social Media (SM) in general, SM in Lebanon, Facebook Pages, Online Advertising, online digital marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SMM (Social Media Marketing), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), online presence, ROIs, personal branding, etc..

About me

Been using the internet since 1998, and that alone makes a person have a greater advantage to seeing how things have evolved, be it content wise, user interface/experience and ergonomics wise, or technology wise.

Being a post-graduate in Computer Science minoring in Math, gives a person a different outlook on things, 2 words: Logic and Numbers. Logic is very important to put 1 and 1 together, and numbers / statistics are an awesome tool if combined with logic and data mining.

My online life resides in blogs such as From Beirut with Funk, Lebanon Aggregator, wrote for NowPublic for a while, but that was political! Flickr, YouTube.. It is very noticeable that online brings a side in a person’s personality which never manifested offline, not in an awkward way, but in a very productive and creative way.

For that I recommend that everyone should go online.

I got it all under one place, to make your life easier: www.funkyozzi.com


Everything shared on this blog are my own views and opinions, and they don’t necessarily represent any of my employer.